Get started
If you want to build a PHP application with real-time stuff, this library can help you to use websockets in a structured application.
What you can achieve with Sandstone:
- Create a Rest Api
- Create a websocket topic the same way as creating an api endpoint
- Dispatch event from Rest Api to Websocket server
Sandstone needs:
- PHP >= 5.6
- ZMQ and ZMQ php extension (or see Install ZMQ and php-zmq on Linux)
Sandstone is on composer (eole/sandstone). Installation using composer:
composer require eole/sandstone
Create a websocket topic
Declare a websocket topic just as easy as declaring a silex route:
$app = new Eole\Sandstone\Application();
$app->topic('chat/{channel}', function ($topicPattern, $arguments) {
$channelName = $arguments['channel'];
return new ChatTopic($topicPattern, $channelName);
See more in the Multichannel chat server example.
Send push notifications from RestApi
To send push notifications to web clients when someone update a resource through the RestApi.
In rest api stack:
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
$app = new Eole\Sandstone\Application();
// Creating an api endpoint at POST api/articles
$app->post('api/articles', function () use ($app) {
$event = new ArticleEvent();
$event->title = 'Unicorns spotted in Alaska';
// Dispatch an event on article creation
$app['dispatcher']->dispatch('article.created', $event);
return new Response([], 201);
// Send all 'article.created' events to push server
In websocket server stack:
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventSubscriberInterface;
class MyWebsocketTopic extends Eole\Sandstone\Websocket\Topic implements EventSubscriberInterface
public static function getSubscribedEvents()
return [
'article.created' => 'onArticleCreated',
public function onArticleCreated(ArticleEvent $event)
// Broadcast message on this topic when an article has been created.
'message' => 'An article has just been published: '.$event->title,
See more in the Full example.
Sandstone edition
If you want to start a new project or a real-time RestApi, you may consider using Sandstone edition.
This edition is a starter project with:
- Sandstone (Silex with websockets)
- Docker environment to mount the whole application (RestApi, websocket server, MariaDB, PHPMyAdmin)
- Doctrine ORM and Doctrine commands
- Symfony web profiler for debugging RestApi requests and Push events
- Silex annotations for controllers and routing annotations
It’s for people who will need a real-time RestApi with a database and an ORM, debug tools, and don’t want to install all these tools and initiate the project structure (controllers, entities…).
It also has a Docker environment, so that you can install and run the app easily.
Check it out: Sandstone edition
Full working examples
See what you can do with examples:
A full example of a Sandstone application also exists as a Docker image.
Check it on Bitbucket: zareba_pawel/php-websockets-sandstone